Separate Property in Michigan: Eating Jello With Chopsticks
Michigan is the only state with no comprehensive statutory definition of martial and separate property. Our courts have struggled to...
How to Resolve Disputes Before They Get Out of Control
Some people say that the greatest human tragedy that we sustain is the death of a close family member. Yes, it is certainly true that...
Neither Harm Nor Clear & Convincing Evidence
The debate over what the United States Supreme Court held regarding grandparent visitation in its 2000 ruling in the Case of Troxel v...
Sensitivity to Culture in Divorce
Twenty years ago, the majority of people I represented in family law matters were people who had been born in American. There were...
The Initial Consultation
Few people truly want to consult with a matrimonial attorney relative to a divorce. When confronted with the possibility of a divorce and...
Marriage in the 21st Century: The Death of "'Till Death Do Us Part"
For the first time in human history, divorce has replaced death as the most common endpoint of mariage. This unprecedented shift in...